I. Income-All income (with very few exceptions) is reportable, bring information about questionable items
A. W-2 forms & prior year state income tax refund
B. 1099's for interest, dividends, broker transactions, social security benefits, tax exempt interest, retirement (pensions, IRA's, etc), farm income
C. K-1 forms from S-Corps, partnerships, estates & trusts
D. Asset sales including home sales, timber sales, sales of interests in businesses or partnerships. Bring HUD-1's or closing papers.
E. Rental Income-Rents received and expenses such as utilities, mgmt. fees, major repairs, maintenance, supplies, taxes, interest, insurance and mileage
F. Farm Income-All sources of income and expenses such as fertilizer, seed, labor, chemicals, also refer to business client list for potential add'l expense items
II. Other information-There are many adjustments & deducitons available. If not in following list, bring questions and we'll consider if they are or are not deductible
A. IRA, Roth IRA's, Sep IRA contributions
B. College Loan interest payments
C. Teacher supplies & materials
D. College expenses-Tuition & fees, books, equipment
E. Child Care-provider information & SS# or ID#
F. Itemized Deductions including:
1. Contributions both cash donations and non-cash. If property contributed, need receipts & basis. Remember all donations now need receipts.
2. Medical expenses incl. mileage, ins, meds, doctors, glasses, contacts, etc.
3. Taxes for real estate & cars as well as other personal property.
4. Interest expense for mortgages, equity lines, closing points & origination fees, margin interest on broker accts. Bring closing documents if you refinanced
5. Casualty Losses-need loss, insurance reimbursements, basis and market value of lost property
6. Miscellaneous Deductions including tax return fee, employee business expense, safe deposit box, broker fees, IRA fees, CD early withdrawal penalty and anything else you may think is deductible.
7. Moving expense for transfer or new job- all costs for transportation of personal property, distance from old home to new home, distance from old home to old job and travel expenses for family.
Remember, this list is not an exhaustive list, but an aid to get you started. If you have questions about something not on this list, please bring it in and we'll discuss it.